【同义词辨析】 2020-07-08 敬仰恭喜赦免允许拜访(5小组一起记)

(1) 敬仰
reverence: stresses a recognition of the sacredness or inviolability of the person or thing which stimulates the emotion: demonstrated a lack of ~ for the truth.   可以作动词,如the general reverences the army's code of honor将军敬仰军队的荣誉准则

awe: fundamentally implies a sense of being overwhelmed or overcome by great superiority or impressiveness and may suggest such varied reactions as standing mute, adoration, profound reverence, terror, or submissiveness: stood in ~ of his talent.   如he speaks of her with awe他谈到她时肃然起敬  如本例惊叹于他的才华而起身站立

fear: in the sense here considered occurs chiefly in religious use and implies awed recognition of divine power and majesty: lived in ~ of the Lord.  如Nana的Lonely中歌词who shall I fear except God除了上帝以外我畏惧谁?如迪斯尼动画片埃及王子主题曲When you believe中歌词now we are not afraid, although we know there's much to fear也可以看出fear和afraid的区别,这里fear指对神的敬畏

reverence敬仰: 强调认识到神圣不可侵犯,awe敬畏惊叹: 指面对卓越事物时感到惊叹折服(如表现为呆立敬仰恐惧顺服),fear敬畏: 宗教用语,特指对神的力量和庄严的敬畏

记忆方法: 1) 敬仰的意思是深深尊敬mean the emotion inspired by something that arouses one's deep respect or veneration.      venerate敬仰to hold as holy敬为神圣,由于品格年纪等,如national heroes who are still venerated民族英雄仍受敬仰

(2) 恭喜
congratulate: the more common and more intimate term, implies that the one to whom pleasure is expressed is the recipient of good fortune: ~ the groom at his wedding.

felicitate: more formal in tone, implies that the recipient of the expression is regarded as happy or is wished happiness: ~d the parents of the new child.  

congratulate恭喜: 较亲切更常用,表示认为对方幸运,felicitate恭喜祝福: 较正式,认为对方幸福或希望对方幸福

记忆方法: 1) 恭喜的意思是为对方高兴mean to express pleasure in the joy, success, or prospects of another.

(3) 赦免
pardon: often ambiguous, denotes a release not from guilt but from a penalty imposed by an authority: received a ~ from the governor at the last moment.  比如有记者问川普如果当选是否会"pardon"希拉里     pardon共有2个意思,另一个意思是forgive原谅               表示免除制裁惩罚等常用动词有release, remove, lift

amnesty: implies a pardon that is extended to a whole class or to a community: declared an ~ for all tax evaders.

absolution: in ecclesiastical and especially Roman Catholic use refers to a pardon extended for sins confessed and atoned for and implies that the eternal punishment for sin has been removed: asked for and was granted ~.    ecclesiastical基督教会的connected with the Christian Church,如ecclesiastical hierarchy基督教会阶层体系,ecclesiastical history基督教会历史     Catholic罗马天主教,是Christian基督教一分支      to atone for a crime赎罪,the day of atonement犹太教的赎罪

pardon赦免: 指免予惩处,而非免予罪责,amnesty大赦: 指赦免某阶级群体全体成员,absolution宗教赦免: 对宗教罪恶的赦免,已认罪赎罪

记忆方法: 1)赦免的意思是免予处罚mean a lifting of penalty or punishment.

(4) 允许
permission: implies the power or authority to grant or refuse what is asked: refused strangers ~ to hunt on his land.          允许表示有权拒绝或同意的情况下同意,permit泛指允许,无论是明确愿意还是默许implies express willingness or acquiescence,如the park permits powerboats on the lake公园允许在湖里开机动船)     grant授予,如奖学金国家援助,也表示有权拒绝或给予

leave: may be preferred to permission in conventionally courteous phrases: by your ~, we'll be going now; or in official reference to permission to leave one's duties: he was given ~ to take care of emergency business.   duty职责,即义务责任obligation&responsibility         自释: 用leave解释leave

sufferance: implies a neglect or refusal to forbid or interfere and therefore suggests a tacit permission that may be withdrawn: you are here on ~, and must watch quietly if you are to stay.         on sufferance表示勉强同意,如he's only staying here on sufferance他是经人勉强同意待在这儿的,如his party held office on sufferance他的政党勉强获胜   tacit心照不宣

permission允许: 指在有权拒绝或同意的情况下同意,leave允许准假: 用于常规礼貌短语,或正式用语表示离开岗位职责,sufferance勉强默许: 指不愿禁止勉强同意

记忆方法: 1) 允许的意思是批准做某事mean sanction granted by one in authority to act or to do something.     (sanction正式批准implies both approval and authorization and may suggest the providing of a standard指赞成并授权,提供行动标准依据,如the President sanctioned covert operations总统批准了秘密行动;sanction还有一个截然相反的意思表示制裁

(5) 拜访
visit: applies to any such coming, be it long or short, and whatever its nature or cause or purpose: spent the summer on a ~ to her English cousins.   表示的词根是VIS          常用探访亲友visit parents访问网页visit a webpage或拜访客户visit a client

visitation: applies chiefly to a formal or official visit made by one in authority often for a special purpose such as inspection or couselling: parochial ~s of a bishop.   离异父母探视子女用这个词

call: applies to a brief, usually formal visit for social or professional purposes: the salesmen were expected to make at elast ten ~s each day.

visit访问: 泛指去和人短暂相处,无论长短原因性质目的,visitation巡视探视: 指有权力的人的正式官方访问,如视察督导,call拜访: 指社交专业拜访,正式但简短

记忆方法: 1) 拜访的意思是去短暂相处mean a coming to stay with another temporarily and usually briefly.